Kim of Soma Wellness is educating us on The Arvigo techniques of Maya abdominal therapy®️. We admittedly have never heard of this type of therapy, but once Kim explained it to us, it was clear how powerful it really is! The Arvigo techniques of Maya abdominal Therapy®️ were designed to increase the flow of blood, lymph, nerves, and energy and emotions to allow the body to heal. This can aid in helping those who suffer from digestion issues, reproductive health, and fertility amongst women and men. If you’re as interested as we are, keep on scrolling to see all the benefits shared by our friends at Soma Wellness.

Tell us all about Maya Abdominal Therapy® and how it’s beneficial!
Kim: The Arvigo techniques of Maya abdominal Therapy®️ Also known as ATMAT, is an external, non – invasive abdominal manipulation to guide organs into optimal position while restoring hemodynamics, lymph, nerve, and energy flow throughout your body. Arvigo®️ therapy restores organ function by releasing physical and emotional congestion from the abdomen, creating better health for mind, body, and spirit to return to homeostasis.
What is the Arvigo Technique used in Maya Abdominal Therapy®?
Kim: The Techniques were formulated by Rosita Arvigo who apprenticed with the Mayan Healer Don Elijio Panti, and a midwife named Hortence Robinson in Belize.
How can this technique help with digestion?
Kim: The techniques don’t change for each individual case, they are the same for everyone who is experiencing any symptom. The digestion symptoms that are commonly helped are reflux and heartburn, chronic constipation, IBS, gas, bloating etc.

How can Arvigo help with reproductive health?
Kim: ATMAT can help resolve these reproductive conditions, titled or prolapsed uterus or bladder, PMS: menstrual cramps, depression, low backache, irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation, painful menstruation and ovulation, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, abnormal uterine bleeding, recurrent bladder or yeast infections.
What are some other abdominal benefits of Arvigo?
Kim: ATMAT can also help people suffering from chronic headaches/migraines, low energy levels, and restricted breathing due to tension.
Can Arvigo help with fertility?
Kim: ATMAT aligns the uterus in the optimal position to allow hormones to be regulated and normalized, congestion and stagnation to clear, and a healthy uterine lining to develop – all of which support fertility and pregnancy. It can also beneficial for men’s fertility by increasing circulation in the abdomen, contributing to sperm count and mobility.

How many sessions of Arvigo are recommended?
Kim: Each individual has different constitutions, habits, and lifestyles; therefore the plans is tailored to their needs. After the initial, monthly follow ups are recommended until they reach their goal.
Is there anything else you’d like to share about Arvigo?
Kim: ATMAT can benefit men and women who are on any healing journey at any age. This therapy was intelligently designed to consider a wide array of different symptoms and conditions. With the understanding that increasing the flow of blood, lymph, nerves, and energy/ emotions allows the body to heal.

If you’re interested in learning more about The Arvigo techniques of Maya abdominal therapy®️, be sure to reach out to Kim at Soma Wellness.