Y’all, I am SUPER excited to share today’s baby shower with you, because it’s one that my friends and I hosted for our dear friends Jennifer + Matt! After hearing the incredible news that Jennifer was pregnant with her second baby boy (10 years after her first boy was born), we were thrilled! My friend Courtney and I began the planning process and decided on a modern meets traditional baby shower theme to welcome Baby Shepherd.
The co-ed shower consisted of fun backdrops, activity stations, vegan cuisine, and so many fun games! The most exciting game (and Jennifer’s sole request for the shower) was to hook Matt up to a contraction simulator so he could feel just a smidge of what it feels like to give birth. Needless to say, the crowd was laughing so hard as Jennifer upped the intensity to make Matt squirm! Thanks to Matt for being such a good sport – we hope there was enough alcohol at the party to get him through. 🙂
It was a day filled with joy, laughter and fun, and I’ll let Jennifer tell the story from here!
Tell us all about your baby shower! Where it took place, who was there, etc.!
Jennifer: My baby shower took place at my friend Courtney’s gorgeous home in South Franklin. Local friends and family came together to celebrate the impending arrival of Baby Shepherd. We decided to make it co-ed which was a little less traditional, but definitely added to the fun.
Was there a theme? What was the decor like?
Jennifer: I was blown away by the traditional soft blues and neutral tan decor Courtney & Aly arranged for our special day. It felt upscale, but in a welcoming way. We were greeted by the sweetest wood sign and the biggest baby blocks we’ve ever seen! Our guests got to guess Shep’s arrival date and take Polaroid photos for the guest book right as they walked into the celebration. Courtney & Aly set up personal touches throughout the home such as a photo of my husband & I on a recent trip and a cloth banner made custom for Shepherd in the neutral blue color scheme. It added a tailored touch to our videos and photos during game time. My sisters, Katie and Julia, brought in all my favorite foods for a guest buffet. Food is a big deal in our family and that made the party that much more personal to us. With Shepherd being due on January 1st, I loved the touch of mini champagne bottles for guests to take as party favors and ‘pop’ when he arrives. The event was beautifully done.
How did you feel during your baby shower?
Jennifer: It took a long time for us to get pregnant and we want to celebrate every moment. It was such a warm feeling to walk into the party and be welcomed by our friends and family’s hugs and smiles. I love to laugh and the games/activities allowed me to relax and enjoy laughing with our circle. There wasn’t much guidance given to the planners which made what they created that much more special. As a planner-type myself, I’m used to hosting for everyone else all year long. Letting go and embracing what Courtney & Aly put together, well that felt like the best gift ever.
Did you receive any specific gifts that were very thoughtful or special to you?
Jennifer: We chose to open all our gifts post-party when it was just the two of us. All our gifts were much needed and appreciated. Some of our favorite gifts are second hand things such as baby-sized sports clothing for my husband’s favorite NFL and MLB teams. We also love the books we have been given knowing that these were books their kids loved. Babies come with so much equipment, but the first baby clothes and things for his room seem to make the necessary so much more special.
Tell us about the moment you found out you were pregnant!
Jennifer: This was the last month we were attempting to conceive and it felt like a lot was on the line. We were okay with whatever God had decided for us, but of course, wanted to have a baby. The moment I found out I was pregnant, I was alone. We had tried for so long that I had gotten used to taking test after test with not so great results. Often times, I needed time to process the result on my own before moving on. When my test was finally positive, it was so faint that I found all the different lighting sources I could to see if it was truly a positive or if my eyesight was extraordinarily optimistic. I finally decided to text my mom a picture and she advised that I test again in two days…yeah right! I tested every few hours getting increasingly excited and then it finally set in that I was in fact pregnant. I felt so blessed that God had decided in His time that it was finally our time. It truly felt like a miracle.
How have you been feeling during your pregnancy so far?
Jennifer: This pregnancy is coming 11 years after my first pregnancy and BOY does it feel different. I’ve had all the traditional pregnancy symptoms along with some more interesting ones. Who knew they made something called a pregnancy belt? Thank goodness Aly did and Amazon delivered. In spite of all the symptoms and sleeping more than I’m awake, I’m soaking it all in to enjoy every step of the transformative journey. I’ve felt at peace amongst the chaos.
How are you feeling about the birth?
Jennifer: I’m so excited for the birth! With my first son, everything was new and not knowing what birth is like allowed my confidence to wane. I was at the mercy of the hospital staff and they did most of the leading. This time, I feel like I know what I’m getting into and I’m confident that everything I have is all that I need. God made us so uniquely equipped for childbirth and I’m ready to experience it again. My husband and I have been prepping using the Hypnobabies format which is super different than my firstborn’s birth. We are both as ready as we can be.
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Jennifer: Thank you so much to Courtney and Aly for hosting such a beautifully memorable day for our growing family. We cannot say enough about how much we appreciate the time and planning you both put into it. We love you!

Thank you so much to Matt & Jennifer for sharing their day with us! We love you guys and can’t wait to meet Baby Shepherd soon!