I was thrilled when Jenna Henderson agreed to offer up some photo sessions at the Nashville Baby Guide Launch Party! Her film photography style is oh so beautiful, so I had to get my kids in on the photo fun. I can’t get over how she’s able to capture my kids’ personalities so well on film. I will be cherishing these photos always! So here’s Hollyn and Adler back in April!
Hollyn is 3, about to turn 4 in these photos and she’s at the age where unicorns, rainbows and glitter are all the rage! She’s so social and starts talking to anyone in sight. She had an absolute ball at the Nashville Baby Guide Launch Party – especially when Cinderella made an appearance. She couldn’t believe she came to my party and thought I was the coolest haha! I’ve loved watching her outgoing personality blossom and seeing every new trait in a new way.
Adler had turned one shortly before this photo session. He is such a goofy little guy who loves to learn and play. His favorite pastimes at this age were eating, making Mama laugh by balancing food on his head, and playing copy cat. Just like Hollyn, he was slow to walk – and he wasn’t even crawling yet when these photos were taken. A little man of many noises and baby talk, but not movement. 🙂 I’ve loved watching him learn and grow and interact with his big sis!
Jenna! I cannot thank you enough for capturing these sweet moments with my kiddos! It’s like this age is frozen in time and their personalities jump right off the page. Check out more of Jenna Henderson Photography‘s work and book your next photo session with her!