With the latest release of the box-office hit, we couldn’t think of a better time to share this Little Mermaid birthday party! Romance and Rust transformed the backyard of Brookelynn’s home and transported guests to under the sea. The summer swim party celebration included a picnic style table setup, beachy elements like seashells, seahorses, and coral, along with bright orange, purple, and sea blue colors. Ariel cake toppers and custom designed cookies added a splash of sweetness to the day, which was enjoyed by all who attended. If you’re ready to be inspired by these swimmingly good details, keep on scrolling!

Tell us all about the planning for the birthday party!
Kathy of Romance and Rust: Brookelynn loves all the Disney princesses, and especially The Little Mermaid. With her birthday falling in the summer, we were able to incorporate the backyard swimming pool for a fun mermaid swim party. We also put together a picnic setup in the backyard for the kids full of mermaid decor and special treats. Brookelynn even had a special miniature peacock chair at the head of the picnic table. The kids loved it!!
What was the theme for the birthday party? Did you choose it or did your child?
From Savannah, the mom: Ariel-The Little Mermaid We asked her if she wanted a mermaid birthday and she said “Yes! An Ariel birthday!”

What was the cake flavor and what did your child do when you presented him/her with the cake?
Kathy: The cake was beautifully decorated and a personalized cake topper was added, which was the centerpiece of the table, along with “Ariel”. The cookies were adorable and the cupcakes had the cutest Ariel cupcake toppers inserted on top. Seashells, coral, seahorses, a blue sequenced linen, and colorful flowers added to the theme.
Were there any games or activities at the party?
Kathy: Swimming and playing on the playground were the main activities.
Did your child receive any gifts that were special to her?
Savannah: She received the most amazing life size Ariel doll from her Mimi and Pops that she loved so much. We even used it as part of the centerpiece on the cake table.

What are some fun memories you’ve had of your child at this age?
Savannah: Three was such a fun year. She had a wonderful year of Pre K 3 and another great year of dance classes. We went on a big family vacation to our favorite beach spot too. She evolved into the best big sister.
What are you looking forward to in this next year of their life?
Savannah: This next year she will be in her very last year of preschool. I can’t wait to see all of the fun memories she makes with her friends and her teachers and all of the new things she learns. She is starting gymnastics in the fall along with her third year of dance.
Is there anything else you’d like to share about the birthday?
Savannah: This was the first year she invited her school friends to her birthday party and it was really special.

What a fun celebration! Looking for even more birthday party ideas, click here!